Beorc (Growth) Runestone Pendant in Lead-Free Pewter

BEORC - The Earth Mother
The Rune of the earth mother is the Rune of birth and growth. It signifies new beginnings, and the willingness to accept them. The earth is the source of all life, and one cannot say if the earth is a metaphor for…

Article number: PRN-109
Quantity: 1

BEORC - The Earth Mother
The Rune of the earth mother is the Rune of birth and growth. It signifies new beginnings, and the willingness to accept them. The earth is the source of all life, and one cannot say if the earth is a metaphor for each woman or whether every woman is a metaphor for the earth. The bond and relationship of earth and woman is more than can be expressed in words. Just as each human mother wants the best for her children, so also is the earth mother pleased when we make spiritual choices. It signifies both child and mother, growth, and the one who is growing. For some people, the earth mother represents the entire cosmos. So also does each new life. The image of the earth mother is found all over the world, in almost every culture, in one form or other. In her energy, presence, and symbolism, she is one of the most important spirit contacts in the history of the world.